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Domestic Violence and Concerns in the Workplace

Domestic Violence And Concerns In The Workplace

Domestic violence statistics indicate that abused womeneffectsstudies on domestic violence have found that abused women also call out of work more frequently then women who are not suffering from domestic violence. There are various different possible reasons for this. Battered women often suffer from extensive emotional damage and they may suffer from psychological disorders as a result of their traumatic experiences, including post traumatic stress disorder.

These disorders often cause severe anxiety and panic attack. This is often triggered by reminders or memories of the traumatic events that they have been subjected to. Abused women may suffer from terrible nightmares and trouble sleeping. This may make it difficult for a victim of abuse to function at work. One study found that almost half of abused women reported experiencing difficulty concentrating at work.

Often, battered women will sustain severe physical injuries as a result of domestic violence. These injuries will often be visible to other individuals. In order to avoid questions about their wounds and to continue ensuring that their situation remains undiscovered, abused women may not go to work and claim that they were ill. An extremely large majority of perpetrators have utilized resources from work in order to manipulate, harass, or abuse their victim.

One common type of domestic abuse is economic or financial abuse. It is very common for an abuser to prohibit their victim from working. A perpetrator may forbid their partner from seeking a job or from furthering their education by enrolling in classes. This is one method that an abuser will use in order to establish and maintain control over their victim.

If they do allow their victim to work, an offender may only allow them to work in specific jobs, or a job that they have chosen. If a victim of domestic violence is working then their abuser may try to sabotage them. They may try to adversely affect their victims performance at work by causing them to be late for work or forcing them to call out of work. They may also call the victim at work many times a day in an attempt to distract their victim from the work that they must be completing.

Research indicates that over half of the women who are subjected to domestic violence are frequently harassed by their partner at work; because of this, abused women may lose their jobs and become unemployed. They will then be required to rely on their partner for support and financial assistance - in this way, the perpetrator gains a great deal of power.

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